
23 de Janeiro de 2023

Accounting Theory: Underlying assumptions or concepts Saylor Academy

The majority of the world’s accounting is conducted in accordance IFRS with the main exception being the USA. The United States has the Financial Accounting Standards Board which acts in a similar role as the IASB and they issue the GAAP – General Accepted Accounting Principles. At the introductory level, the main principles, assumptions and concepts of accounting are very similar between IFRS and GAAP. Privately held companies and nonprofit organizations also may be required by lenders or investors to file GAAP-compliant financial statements. For example, annual audited GAAP financial statements are a common loan covenant required by most banking institutions. Therefore, most companies and organizations in the U.S. comply with GAAP, even though it is not a legal requirement.

  • Some examples of this include any pending litigation, acquisition information, methods used to calculate certain figures, or stock options.
  • This means the period of time in which you performed
    the service or gave the customer the product is the period in which
    revenue is recognized.
  • Both
    dollars are treated as equal monetary units of measurement despite substantial price inflation over the
    30-year period.
  • Conservatism means choosing the solution that will be least likely to overstate assets and income when in doubt.
  • The reliability assumption means the company has objective evidence of its recorded information in the financial statements.

The revenue recognition principle directs a
company to recognize revenue in the period in which it is earned;
revenue is not considered earned until a product or service has
been provided. This means the period of time in which you performed
the service or gave the customer the product is the period in which
revenue is recognized. The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are a set of accounting rules, standards, and procedures issued and frequently revised by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).

Even though they appear transparent, non-GAAP figures can create confusion for investors and regulators. The Great Depression in 1929, a financial catastrophe that caused years of hardship for millions of Americans, was primarily attributed to faulty and manipulative reporting practices among businesses. In response, the federal government, along with professional accounting groups, set out to create standards for the ethical and accurate reporting of financial information. Rather, particular businesses follow industry-specific best practices designed to reflect the nuances and complexities of different business areas. For example, banks operate using different accounting and financial reporting methods than those used by retail businesses. Many businesses are required to have their financial statements audited to assure the users that the amounts are objective and reliable.

Governmental Accounting Standards Board

Management of the company is primarily responsible for assessing the company’s going concern status, and auditors need to assess if it’s appropriate for the management to use this assumption. Verifying the accuracy of the accounting record is one of the essential purposes of audit activity. So, auditors not only need to collect audit evidence but need to verify its appropriateness.

Although principles and practices continue to provoke debate and criticism, most financial community members recognize them as the standards that, over time, have proven to be most useful. Note that another basis for valuing elements of financial
statements is coming into play. With the
convergence of global standards, fair value is used more in the United States
to value elements of financial statements.

provided the service to the customer, and there is a reasonable
expectation that the customer will pay at the later date. As you may also recall, GAAP are the concepts, standards, and
rules that guide the preparation and presentation of financial
statements. International accounting rules are called
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Publicly traded
companies (those that offer their shares for sale on exchanges in
the United States) have the reporting of their financial operations
regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards set by policy boards and the commonly accepted ways of recording and reporting accounting information. GAAP covers such topics as revenue recognition, balance sheet classification, and materiality.

Gift Card Revenue Recognition

However, the FASB and the IASB continue to work together to issue similar regulations on certain topics as accounting issues arise. For example, in 2014, the FASB and the IASB jointly announced new revenue recognition standards. In applying their conceptual framework to create standards, the IASB must consider that their standards are being used in 120 or more different countries, each with its own legal and judicial systems. This means that IFRS interpretations and guidance have fewer detailed components for specific industries as compared to US GAAP guidance.

How does IFRS differ from GAAP?

If there is no revenue caused by an expense, the expense is recorded when incurred. In the U.S., the Monetary Unit Assumption does not make allowances for inflation. So, commercial property bought in 1965 for $500,000 will still, twenty years later, be recorded on the balance sheet as being worth $500,000. Quantifiable – Financial Statements report only transactions that can be expressed in monetary terms. She earned a bachelor of science in finance and accounting from New York University.

What is GAAP?

Because of this, the accountant combines the $10,000 spent on land in 1960 with the $300,000 spent on a similar adjacent parcel of land in 2022. The result is that the company’s balance sheet will report the combined cost of two parcels at $310,000. The revenue recognition principle directs a company to recognise revenue in the period in which it is earned; revenue is not considered earned until a product or service has been provided. This means the period of time in which you performed the service or gave the customer the product is the period in which revenue is recognised. This assumption describes the time interval between financial statement reports.

Since much of the world uses the IFRS standard, a convergence to IFRS could have advantages for international corporations and investors alike. For instance, GAAP allows companies to use either first in, first out (FIFO) or last in, first out (LIFO) as an inventory cost method. After each semester or quarter, your grade point average (GPA) is updated with new information on your performance in classes you completed. My Accounting Course  is a world-class educational resource developed by experts to simplify accounting, finance, & investment analysis topics, so students and professionals can learn and propel their careers.

Full disclosure principle

Government agencies have a different set of GAAP to follow, regulated by the Government Accounting Standard Board. If there is evidence a business will soon be liquidated, then it can no longer be considered a going concern. There are a number of reasons for this with a company’s inability to pay back financial obligations chief among them. With such a prominent difference in approach, dozens of other discrepancies surface throughout the standards. The chart below includes only a couple of the variations that may affect how a business reports its financial information. While the United States does not require IFRS, over 500 international SEC registrants follow these standards.

Accounting Concepts & Assumptions

Industry Practices Constraint – some industries have unique aspects about their business operation that don’t conform to traditional accounting standards. Thus, companies in these industries are allowed to depart from GAAP for specific business events or transactions. Here is a list of the four basic accounting concepts and constraints that make up the GAAP framework in the US. Now that we have covered 4 accounting assumptions; read our materials on principles of accounting.
